Monday, April 27, 2009

Compliment, insult or both?

My son thinks I am funny.

But only on paper. (paper??)

On occasion I let him read something I have written, and on occasion, like tonight, he makes comments similar to the following,

Mom, you're funny. [pause] You're funnier when you write than when you talk. You're like a comedian or something.

If only I could convey the incredulous tone in which the words were uttered.

I cherish these unintentionally backhanded compliments, which are offered up so innocently. (I am not being facetious, I really do enjoy them.) What I also find amusing is that one offering of this insight does not suffice. Each time he reads something I have written that he finds humorous, he seems genuinely surprised and is compelled to voice the thought again, as if for the first time.

Apparently, I'm not funny in person.

I'm not taking it too personally, though, because I think all moms must experience this. I mean, who has ever heard a kid say, My mom is so funny! Now, dad, on the other hand -- that guy is a laugh-riot.

I politely beg to differ with my son's assessment. Clearly my oral witticisms are lost on the 10-year-old mind. Clearly.

Anyway, that's what I am telling myself.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

a+I think he's sort of surprised that Mom has this Secret Identity I Don't Know About! (Always maintain your element of mystery ...)

And yes, I'm sure my kids think Dad is groovier. No fay-er!