For my Austin friends who don't already know this about me ... I am an Aggie.
An Aggie who subsequently attended U.T. (sorry, Mike, t.u.) and now works for said rival institution, and is yet, ever always an Aggie. It is a known fact that graduate school engenders no true allegiance, and well, a job is a job. Any (good-natured) disparaging comments will be tolerated (I know where I live), and if you have a good Aggie joke, bring it on.
As a student, I attended quite nearly every home football game, and happily stood throughout. Thanksgivings were spent in the stands for the big A&M/t.u. game. We camped overnight for tickets. I'm a fan. However, in the past decade, I have attended exactly 3 Aggie football games. The most recent of which took place last weekend.
My brother (also an Aggie and a season ticket holder) kindly invited me to attend with him, as he had an extra ticket, and I happily made the drive to my alma mater to enjoy a little nostalgia, some football, and a little brother/sister bonding time.
On my way out the door, sweet girl asked if I wanted to take a Barbie with me (seeing as she has, hmm, say 20, Barbies, sparing one for the day could be no inconvenience to her). No difficulty for me to stow a Barbie in my bag for the drive down to elicit a smile from my girl.
And then I had an idea...
The pictures below chronicle Barbie's first trip to Aggieland. She'll never be the same.
Barbie chillin' at the tailgate. Soaking up some warm College Station humidity (a humidity like no other) and watching some college ball on the flat screen t.v.
Before the game began, Barbie decided to catch the "Spirit Walk" where we greeted the football team in addition to the Fightin' Texas Aggie Band.

The nationally famous Fightin' Texas Aggie Band is the largest military marching band in the nation and all 350+ members are cadets. Barbie was really into the half-time show.
Here's Barbie performing an Aggie yell. Don't ask. I can't explain it. We're a peculiar sort.
After the conclusion of the game, Barbie joined the hundreds (thousands?) of other fans who flooded the playing field. Dodging flying footballs and dashing children, we made our way to the 50 yard line, where Barbie struck a dainty pose.

Final score: A&M - 56 UAB - 19
Gig 'em.