Thursday, October 1, 2009

The randomness of a youthful mind

It's 7:00am and my daughter says to me,

I'm really glad we - you know, you, me, Jared and Daddy - won't be around when the sun explodes.

Me, too, honey. Me, too.


K. Titus Rodriguez said...

It really makes you feel good to be mentioned as a member of the group that won't be around when the sun explodes. Phew! I feel a lot better now.

Eclectic Mama said...


Hannah said...

Hey, Emma! What are the rest of us, chopped liver? ;-) Just kidding. Those are the remarks that make parenting such a joy, no? And for some reason it really seems like kids are drawn to those apocalyptic type images; we had a similar discussion just the other day.