Monday, September 21, 2009

Unfinished posts

How many unfinished blog posts do you have?

I have 22.

They date back to January.

Is this normal?

Do any of you begin a post and then either get distracted by life, or just hit a block? How long do you let it sit there? Do you ever finish these? Should they be finished, or abandoned? I've noticed that once I start a post, if I don't complete it within a day, I usually let it slip away. I'm not sure why.

What do you think?

Delete? or Salvage?

1 comment:

Raji P. said...

I have quite a lot - I start them when the flash of brilliance strikes me, and I have grandiose visions of poetry and wit combining into an entertaining post. So I hastily start a post and save the draft, planning to come back to it that night while the enthusiasm and idea is ever present.

By the time I get back to it, however, days or weeks later, the flash is long over, and my enthusiasm is gone, but I don't delete it, lest it come back in the future!