Sunday, February 15, 2009

Literally music to my ears

My eldest child has been taking formal piano lessons for almost 5 months now ('formal', because what I have been teaching him heretofore has been decidedly informal.)

He was playing one recent morning, and as he played, I lay down in my room and just listened. The piece was Gymnopedie No. 1, by Erik Satie. It was by no means perfect. There were a few mistakes, a little stumbling, some halting.

But, still, so very nice.

I, myself, began piano lessons around the age of 10 and continued my lessons through high school. I am no musical genius, but played reasonably well - if I was diligent with my practicing (I was). But what always stood out to me were the words of my mother, "Oh, I just love listening to you play!"

I must confess that I partly interpreted this compliment as 'mom being nice'. Not to give the wrong impression - I did not doubt her sincerity, but faintly sensed her praise must have arisen more from her motherly desire to encourage her child, no matter how mistake-ridden, monotonous, discordant, the notes coming from the instrument may be, than from simply the pure enjoyment of the music.

But now I know. I have stumbled into yet another motherhood mystery, which is only to be experienced, not explained. Because now I know she really did mean it. Because now it is I who will say to my child, "Oh, how I love to listen to you play!"

And I do.

And then there was Dad.

Whose favorite comment to me was always, "Hey, Steph - do you know 'Refrain From Music'?"


Vanessa said...

I chuckled at the end of your post with your dad's comment. I always wished I played the piano. I hope Benjamin will want to play. How did you encourage Jared to play the piano?

Hannah said...

That's so neat that he's learning piano!

And your dad is oh so clever.