Well, after months of preparation and coordination and much prayer, Bible Camp 2009 is officially behind us.
I am a little tired.
But my heart is full. There is simply much too much to share.
Here are a few of my top enjoyments:
At the end of the last day of the camp, my husband noticed a little girl crying. Upon checking with the girl's teacher, he found out the reason for her distress - she was sad because Bible Camp was over. This touched my heart so much, to know that this little one had such an enjoyable time at camp that its ending moved her to tears.
One dear sister who I had not met previously, came from out of town to attend the camp for the first time. She drove by herself with her two children (a 5-year-old and a 5-month-old) and came in faith because we did not know until the last minute where she would stay. Her first day was difficult, to say the very least, and culminated with her becoming lost, unable to find her way back to her host's home, and sitting stranded in a Whataburger parking lot. This very same sister, later in the week shared with us how happy she was and even told us, "Here, I feel spoiled!" If this isn't the God of all comfort, I don't know what is.
From the front foyer of the meeting hall where we held the camp, I could see directly into the Pre-K boys' classroom. Seeing ten active 4-year-old boys sitting attentively, enrapt, as their teachers shared with them the story of Ruth was priceless. Hearing them sweetly sing, "Wherever You Go, I Will Go" at the end-of-the-week celebration time was doubly so (if even pricelessness can be doubled!)

There is a couple who drive all the way down from Canada to bring their girls to the camp. I'm not sure how, but a couple of years ago, my daughter and one of theirs became fast friends. Though there is a 2 year age difference, somehow these two just fit together. Friendship can be a mysterious thing. When they first met and became enamored of each other, my daughter did not even know her name and simply referred to her as 'my friend'. And we all knew who she meant. This year, she again told me about having fun with 'her friend'. On the very day this family was to leave town to make the long journey home, her parents took the time to bring their daughter by our house so that these young friends could have just a few more precious moments together. This surely cherished my heart.

One of my son's good friends moved with his family to Belize 2 years ago. Last year and this year, his mother brought him to Austin for the Bible Camp and we had the privilege to host them in our home. This year, she also brought her nephew - another sweet and delightful young man. A grand time was had by all! They swam, they bounced, they played basketball, they played laser tag, they memorized verses, they ate pizza, they had sleepovers. My favorite thing was hearing these three boys giggle - that's right, giggle. (It is a rare phenomenon, this giggling 10 year old boy - if you happen upon it in the wild, be sure to tightly tuck the melody away in your heart.) There will be tears tomorrow morning when these treasured friends depart.

Most definitely, though, my top enjoyment was in allowing the Lord to be the I Am. In every situation that arose, He more than abundantly supplied His grace. When we prayed, He responded and met our every need in His Body. I count it the highest privilege to have had the opportunity to serve Him in such a small way. May He guard the good deposit received by each of these little vessels this week!