Monday, January 5, 2009

Vacation Log - Stardate ... (just kidding)

There is something about being on vacation - so many expectations to do great things, fun things, make every moment count! -- yet I always seem to come home wondering, where did the time go? This past trip we had a little less than a week in which to squeeze all of our relaxing and fun-having. While I did have a splendid time, there are still things I didn't get to do. Such as...

  1. Play cribbage with my dad -- I have not yet found a local cribbage partner so I always look forward to getting to play with my dad. Plus, he's awesome. I could try to teach my husband, but I am not actually good enough to teach someone else the game. I do have a friend here who I was supposed to teach, but between kids and work and school and life it seems we never got around to it. It's probably just as well for me - she would have put me to shame in no time (you know, 'cuz she's smart and can do math in her head).
  2. Relax and play on the beach -- I only went to the beach once this trip. This is regrettable, as my parents' house is within walking distance (WALKING DISTANCE!) of the beach and the weather was quite pleasant. I always dream of rising at the crack of dawn and going shelling. So far, it has only ever been a dream. Next trip, next trip.
  3. Read for pleasure -- I brought a library book with high hopes of losing myself in its pages. I think I cracked it open in the car on the way home. So sad.
  4. Take stunning beach photos -- Not only did I not take any stunning beach photos, I took no beach photos (I am not counting the ones we tried to take at sunset one day because they did not capture the beauty of the scene). What a shame. But I must point out that I do prefer the summer for this - with the sea oats in bloom and dancing gracefully in the breeze - ahhhhh.

On the positive side, though, let me tell you what I did enjoy:
  1. Playing The Office DVD game with my dad -- Although it turns out I do not know as much about The Office as I imagined; apparently I am not an Office fanatic. This is a good thing, methinks. For my gamepiece I chose to be Toby - what does that say about me? Dad chose Kevin - what does that say about him?
  2. Watching my kids get showered with love (oh yeah, and presents) from not only their grandparents, but also from my parents' wonderful friends who have, over the past few years, become very dear to us as well.
  3. Spending time with the above-mentioned dear friends. They have embraced my family - their friendship and love is a precious thing indeed and we are thankful to count them as our friends.
  4. Eating at Billy Bob's Beach Barbecue -- what does it say that a Texas girl has to travel to Pensacola, Florida to get her favorite barbecue? The baby back ribs - scrumptious! Pulled pork - yummy! Nothing against Rudy's and the Salt Lick - I just love Billy Bob's! Hey, barbecue is a subjective thing.
  5. Finding and purchasing a beautiful print of an oil painting of a sailboat (identical to the one Mom has hanging in the foyer). If I ever get it framed, I will hang it on my wall, stare at it wistfully and dream of the water [sigh].
  6. Working crossword puzzles, cryptograms, anacrostics, etc. to my heart's content! (thanks Mom & Dad for the puzzle book!) I guess this is what I was doing when I wasn't trekking to the beach.

Seeing as the "did it" list (which, BTW, I could have easily added to) does outnumber the "didn't do it" list, I have to say this vacation was a success!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

New things we have in common:
- I love the beach, too, and always plan/dream of rising early to walk the beach. Not so much, since we had kids. But isn't walking the beach at any time of day so calming?
- The Office! I always feel so bad for Toby, Michael is horrid to him. Cracks me up that your dad chose Kevin.
- Crosswords, etc. We do similar things on vacation. On the drive home from Boston, I stopped and got a book of logic puzzles.

I like the balance in this post. There will always be some regrets in not doing it all, but many more reasons for gratitude ...